As simple as possible, (but no simpler!)

Simplicat is a digital consultancy that specialises in streamlining internal business practices.

Simplicat frees organisations from the chains of complex and unsuitable software packages and processes. Using the modern tools of the web, mobile and Internet of Things, we design new work paradigms that leave our customers free to focus on what they do best.

What can Simplicat
do for me?

Whatever you need us to! We can build a custom intranet that models your business processes, or we can help you make some Google Spreadsheets that you can update from your Twitter account. We specialise in combining all the best of the tools and tricks on the web and packaging them up in to something new.

We keep tabs on the rapidly changing environment of cloud products and services and pick out the ones that will work best for you.

And because one size never fits all, our experienced programmers can mix in custom code to fit the unique needs of every organisation.

  • Media workflows

  • Project and team management

  • Web applications

  • Custom scripts

  • Better databases

  • Great ideas


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